If we are talking about his theory of forms then it is more interesting to examine what he is saying rather than to pass judgment on him. Most people call Plato an idealist and there is good reason for making that claim. A form for Plato might be called a pure cognitive structure for any material item, but that this structure was real in the sense that it embodied all the ideal attributes of what that item is. So, for Plato, forms are as much a part of reality as material objects. If fact, without the form of an item we cannot speak about the items material reality. So, in surreal reality would there be surreal forms as well? How does my “Giant Granite Fish” artwork attempt to embody all of what a giant granite fish actually is? To understand what he was saying please watch this video.
Having watch the video many of you may have some opinion by now. When I have an answer I will let you know but you might want to come to your own conclusion about whether or not Plato was right if we apply his theory of forms to surreal reality.